Alexander Turns One
Happy first birthday my love!!
Alexander turned one on May 6th! It's hard to believe its been a year. Time sure does fly.
The past year has been truly amazing. Our lives have been filled with nothing but true joy, excitement, gratitude, smiles + lots of belly laughs, and appreciation for the big moments, the small things, and everything in between. I have been so blissfuly happy and extremely grateful to have our baby boy in our lives and for the life we are building together as a family.
Its been wonderful to watch Alexander grow + learn, develop his own personality and become a more independent little guy. I am also proud of myself for surviving my first year as a mommy. Yay! There have been no shortage of challenges and self-doubt, but I have chosen to embrace everything + I wouldn't change a thing. I have learnt so much about myself (and life in general) in this pass year and for that I thank my son.
As Xander's Birthday month approached, I was extremely excited to celebrate this huge milestone, but I was also feeling a bit nostalgic because my bebe is growing way too fast. Time please slow down!
Gabby Young Photography
Birthday Letter to Mateo | May, 6th 2016
Today we celebrated your first birthday. You woke to snuggles, hugs + lots of kisses. You spent your day with people who love you dearly, you laughed, you played, you hugged, you cried, you partied, and you danced. You loved eating the raspberry cake and raspberry ice cream Mami made for you. You pretty much had a blast and so did we. Tonight Mami snuggled you extra long and extra tight. Baby boy take advantage of each and everyday because time really does fly!
Gabby Young Photography