My Open Letter to America
The results of this election clearly show the dissatisfaction with the status-quo. We are in the midst of a revolution here in this country and around the world. Regardless of the election results, half of the country would have been disappointed.
America, our communities, the working class and the middle class, we are all hurting. Something we can all agree on is that we feel our government has not been working for those of us who aren't elite. There is too much grid-lock in the system as government officials are choosing party lines instead of choosing to work together to find common ground for good for the country. I understand the outpour of frustration that has taken over and I also hear the voices of people standing up for change.
The results of this election really are shocking and this path seems really scary. So, what do we do from here? We pick up the pieces, move forward, and work together to forge the best outcome for all Americans and make the country work for all of us. There is a lot of work to be done and we must start the rebuilding process. Will this be easy? No. There is too much pain, anx, and frustration, but we must work together.
I really struggle with the message of "make America great again" and "let's take our country back". Take the country back from who or what? In my mind, America is great. America is the land of opportunity. It's a melting pot of people who came to this country to better their lives and the lives of their families. People know that through hard work anything is achievable here in this country. People come to this country to seek freedom and opportunities. People come to this country because they believe in our founding ideals. This country was built by people who migrated here because they were pursuing better outcomes for themselves and their families. This country was built by immigrants and yes it's becoming more and more diverse by the day... it's changing. Perhaps, change is scary, but we must remember that we are all human beings who want the best outcomes for ourselves, our families, and our communities. Let's embrace diversity, let's embrace a changing America as everyone can prosper. Building walls, shutting people off because of their background, skin color, religion, sexual orientation, and place of origin will not make America great. Exclusion, bigotry and hatred will not make America great.
No matter what the messages out there tell you, don't forget that love always trumps hate. We may not be able to control what happens outside of our control, but we can control how, as individuals, we are going move forward. Let's come together and build strong relationships and community, let's be compassionate towards one another, and let's work together toward the common good of all people.
Michelle Obama said it best, "when they go low, we go high". And I quote this without thinking of party lines... Darkness simply cannot be overcome with darkness.
Continue to shine light into this world. Continue to navigate life from a place of love, compassion, grace, with open hearts + open minds, and understanding. Now more than ever, we must continue to be the change we want to see in the world.
It all starts within.